Friday, March 5, 2010

3drives + 5-0 pattern

1 komentarze:

Abel said...

kor-harmonics 3-drive pattern is most interesting one, because it is different every time, the final shape determines it´s position.

One version of its goes actually as close of perfect double zigzag family no-one else propably can. Of cource it is skill by users which one to take and it does require manual breake. It is slightly danger pattern also if you EW view is not clear because it can easily just breake one impulse in the middle of several impulse waves, but specially with final stage of W5 it is usefull.

This double zigzag is anyway the best it can do. Personally I believe it is most interesting pattern in this indicator because it is completely different every time, it´s position where it comes in the chart is not standard (well, in fact it is not standard for any other patterns either).

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